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How dividends work? Staking OMEN token in the OMEN portal (USDC,WMATIC or WETH for now) or single stakes results in the following weekly dividend payment:
I. 40% of all the fees from all swaps that occur on the platform (given to you in USDC).
II. 60%* of all deposit fees within the platform (40% given to you in USDC, 20% reinvested as described directly below).
III. 20% of all additional investments that are made outside the platform (e.g. we will be using a portion of the deposit fees (in 2) to re-invest into low-risk stable coin investments through protocols like curve and other Stable-LP pairs). The return from this gets added back into your weekly dividend payout. Here is the direct link to the community wallet: Incase you don't like links here is the adress : 0x57831E532fc14846511D3B8A86AA692528e06A9a
Yes , but please don't forget that dividends are calculated based on your staked OMEN. This means that when staking your LP only the OMEN amount is considered during dividend distribution.
Example :
Let's assume we will give out 1000 USDC as dividends next friday.
Omen Single Stake has 500 Omen in it = 500 Usdc Omen-Usdc portal has 220 Omen in it = 220 Usdc Omen-Wmatic portal has 150 Omen in it = 150 Usdc Omen-Weth portal has 130 Omen in it = 130 Usdc
As you can see it's not related to the Lp Value or total liquidity in those pools.
How to calculate your eligible dividend percent:
Your eligible dividend percent is based on your ratio of tokens to the total tokens in the pool. Example: At the first snapshot the pool had 1000 total tokens staked and your staked token amount was 100. Then at the time of the second snapshot, the pool had 3000 total tokens staked, but you still had 100 staked. your eligible dividends percent for the period in that pool would be: 5% [(100 + 100) / (1000 + 3000)]
The pool's dividends to distribute:
The pools distributable dividend amount is based on how much OMEN is staked in the pool. Example: There are 1000 USDC to distribute between two pools, one that is OMEN and one that is OMEN-USDC. At the time of the final snapshot for the dividend period, the omen pool has 9000 OMEN staked and the OMEN-USDC pool has an equivalent of 3000 OMEN staked. The OMEN pool has 750 USDC [1000 * 750 / (750 + 250)]
to distribute The OMEN-USDC pool has 250 USDC [1000 * 250/ (750 + 250)]
to distribute Now let's assume from the example above that your 5% eligibility was in the OMEN-USDC pool, which means you would receive 12.5 USDC [250 * .05]
in dividends.
How do I claim my dividends?
The answer is simpler than you thought! Visit our homepage to see your dividends and claim them.
The intrinsic value of the OMEN token