Pools FAQ

Will there be any fees for staking/depositing?

OMEN native pools have a 0% fee Other pools have a 4% fee, which is paid back to people who are staking OMEN. Learn more about our Triple Yield Advantage

How many hours should I have to wait to harvest?

None! You can harvest immediately.

Are the APRs for real?!

Yes, but as more liquidity pours into that pool, expect the APRs to go down naturally as your share of the pool scales down in size.

What will I be earning?

By staking your liquidity token, you are collecting swapping fees whenever someone swaps between the pair you've provided. You will also be earning OMENs based on the multiplier.

I can't find my pair, where is it hiding?

There may be a couple of reasons why your pair is not showing up: 1. Check your wallet is connected, and to the Polygon. 2. Your LP contract may still be confirmed, you can check on Maticexplorer for the status

What is Multiplier?

Each Farm has a corresponding multiplier. The Multiplier indicates that farms allocation of OMEN per block. So for example, a farm with a multiplier of 80x will be allocated 80x more OMEN per block than a farm with a multiplier of 1x.

Everything on the blockchain is measured in blocks. Each block has a number and a timestamp.

Last updated